The Municipality of Anchorage’s Public Transportation Department (PTD) requires viewpoint-neutral advertising.
Prohibited advertising includes: political, government action, public policy, international dispute, religious policy, tobacco, marijuana and marijuana products, alcohol, firearms, adult/mature rated films/television/video games, adult entrainment facilities or services, sexually oriented products or services, nudity/sexual/excretory subject matter, false/misleading/deceptive material, copyright/trademark/otherwise unlawful, illegal activity, profanity, violence, demeaning or disparaging, adverse to or disruptive of PTD, endorsement of PTD, PTD graphics and references, unsafe transit behavior, threatening harm and lights/noise/special effects.
It is important to clarify policy #14 prohibits claims of any type. Advertisers can advertise their services but can't speak for another agency or make claims from another agency or organization. Advertisers should also avoid messaging that puts PTD in the position of researching which statements are true and validating the data used to justify the statement. As an example, the message, “More people die of lung cancer than from colon, breast and prostate cancers combined” would not be approved. Even though this particular statistic may be easier to prove as factual it does not fall within the policy guidelines. The approved messaging could be, “Should you be screened for lung cancer?” or “We provide lung cancer screening.”
Additionally, there are prohibitions against any performance or exhibition that depicts:
Nudity as defined in Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC) section 8.50.010E.2.
Sexual conduct as defined in AMC subsection 8.50.010E.3.,
Sexual excitement as defined in AMC subsection 8.50.010E.4.,
Indecent materials as defined in AMC subsection 8.50.020A.6., or
Is harmful to minors as defined in AMC subsection 8.50.010E.5.
To review the full Anchorage Public Transportation Department’s Advertising Policy please visit the Municipality's website (linked here).
There are always two types of costs associated with advertising on People Mover. The first is the cost to print and install your signs, which varies based on its size and whether you need help with the design. The second cost is the cost to advertise - how long you want the sign(s) up, how many vehicles it will appear on, and where it is located on the vehicle.
You can see detailed pricing information here.
The People Mover system includes 40' buses and AnchorRIDES vans. Both have exterior signage options. The 40' buses also have interior signage.
Buses are on the road every day for long hours (approximate times are Weekdays from 5:30 a.m. to 11:30pm, Saturdays from 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. & Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.)
There are (63) 40' People Mover buses.
There are 52 AnchorRIDES vans.
The signs are extremely durable, holding up very well in all kinds of weather, through daily washings, and over multiple years of use.
Absolutely. The cost for sign production is really a one-time investment, as we can store them for free and re-use them when you want to purchase more placement time. There is a small re-installation fee of $25.
If there is only a small amount of information changing on your sign, like a date for an annual event, we can provide a patch for just $25/sign. In this case – save your money…there is no need to have new signs printed!
Vehicles can get dirty throughout long days on the road, especially during spring break-up. All buses and vans are washed daily, so your message is crisp and clear each morning during those busy commute times.
All buses travel all routes, so you can’t select a custom route for your sign. However, since buses rotate consistently throughout the system, you get maximum exposure for your message for the same cost.
People Mover buses serve a large ridership on set routes, typically on main road corridors. They offer driver side, curbside, rear and interior placement options. AnchorRIDES vans offer driver side placement, and are not on fixed routes, so you will see them on main roads and throughout neighborhoods.
Just about everyone! Most people either drive or ride on Anchorage streets every day, and are bound to see any number of People Mover buses and AnchorRIDES vans on their frequent routes. If you want to reach riders specifically, interior and curb side placements are your best options.
We think of People Mover advertising as “moving billboards” that reach everyone from Anchorage to Eagle River. It’s an excellent promotional space for a city with no billboards or tall signs. People Mover advertisements are eye-catching, and unlike messages in other media, viewers can’t change channels or click away.
We can recommend specific placement options to help meet your advertising goals. In general:
People Mover Driverside – A prime spot. More people see this sign than other placements, due to the way traffic flows.
People Mover Curbside – A location with great reach to a general audience, and also seen by bus riders and pedestrians.
People Mover Rear – Gets the most focused attention, or “dwell time,” from drivers behind buses.
People Mover Interior Static – Affordable interior signs showcase your message to an audience ready for something colorful and interesting to read. Reach bus riders on panels located in the easy-to-see overhead area inside all People Mover buses.
People Mover Interior Digital – Located at the front of each bus, 12 second digital ads are displayed every two minutes, and with the added flexibility to update artwork frequently. Creative can be video, animation, stills; multiple ads can run simultaneously.
AnchorRIDES Driverside – A hidden gem for its value, this placement reaches people throughout town and into neighborhoods, and it is super affordable.
The full wrap option is a bold way to give you maximum exposure throughout town all year long. It’s all you, all the time! (Note there is a one-year minimum).
There is also the option to have the full bus rear wrapped (1 year minimum).
Partial rear vinyl displays and larger driverside vinyl displays have a lower time commitment (6 months), and affordably get you out on multiple buses (3 bus min.)
Signs are installed on Sunday nights. The advertising week runs from Monday through Sunday.
If we have your final artwork by a Monday or Tuesday, your signage will roll out on the buses or AnchorRIDES vans the following Monday.
Sizes and materials differ based on exterior/interior and which display you choose. You can download our specs (linked here).
Generally, you want to remember the “less is more” concept, with big, bold lettering and a basic message. When crafting your message and design, keep in mind that signs can be re-used in the future.
Sure! It’s easy, fast and affordable to add on design services so you can get your message working for you right away. Just let us know and we’ll help you out!
The Municipality of Anchorage shall not be held liable for vandalized or otherwise damaged signs, which includes possible fading or erasure of sign content due to handling, normal bus washing procedures and/or road chemicals, or loss of signs that release after installation in bus frames.